Real estate services

As a foreigner in Czech Republic the idea of investing in property may seem a little intimidating. Perhaps you're not confident enough in your Czech to handle the all of the communication, contracts and documentation. Or perhaps you might not fully understand all of the steps involved, or are unsure of any legal requirements. We provide a complete service in English to simplify this whole process, so you can focus on finding the right property without worrying about all of the technical details.

We specialise in the Brno market, however if necessary we can operate within the whole of South Moravia.

Once you're ready to think about investing in property, please contact us and we'll start working through the following process:

  1. We will meet in person to establish what your needs are - what kind of property you'd like, what locations interest you, how much you would like to spend.
  2. Once we're clear on your requirements we can agree on the terms and conditions of our relationship
  3. We'll search for and suggest any suitable properties which match your specifications, and arrange any viewings necessary
  4. For any property you select we can advise you on pros/cons and will check the status of the property with our legal team
  5. Once you decide you are ready to buy we can initiate the the purchase process and work through all of the necessary steps with you

We are eager to help and are looking forward to working with you.

You can get more useful information about the real estate market in the Czech Republic here:

Inquiry form

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