Car insurance

There are more than 12 insurance companies offering car insurance on the Czech market.

Car insurance consists of two parts:

  1. property damage liability (PDL) / Third party liability insurance
  2. car accident insurance

Third party liability insurance is an obligation. Car accident insurance is not liable. We recommend car accident insurance for vehicles/motorbikes of higher value. It covers risks as collision, theft, natural disaster and vandalism etc.

Our service in car insurance:

  • help to get best price
  • transfer of bonus from third party liability insurance from abroad
  • payment of premium insurance
  • assistance services


  1. Why don’t you list prices online like comparison websites?
  2. Because we don't want to deceive clients. We put together only verified and individually tailored price offers. The price of insurance always depends on many factors such as the specific vehicle brand, the power of its engine, the policyholder's bonuses, place of residence, etc. Online comparison sites always draw the client towards a very low price, but which in 99% of cases immediately increases after the client fills in the rest of the data required to finalise the contract.

  3. Can premiums be paid in multiple installments?
  4. Yes, it is possible, but when the premium is divided into several installments the customer ends up paying a bit more with some insurance companies in total than if they had paid the premium as a lump sum.

  5. How long is the insurance contract valid?
  6. A standard insurance contract lasts for one year with an automatic extension. If the client wishes to terminate the contract, they must notify the insurance company no later than six weeks before the automatic renewal date of the contract.

  7. Does the premium agreed apply for the entire duration of the insurance contract?
  8. Unfortunately not. Most insurance companies will increase the price year-on-year (only in relation to compulsory car insurance). We recommend clients contact us as soon as they are informed by the insurance company about the increase in premium. Insurance companies intentionally do not provide us with this information, but we can recalculate the premium ourselves, find you a cheaper option and help you terminate the existing contract.

Inquiry form

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